While it can be so fun when you’re in the moment, when the moment has passed and you are faced with the results, a few steps of preparation a.k.a. organizing, can make it a little less painful.
Most of these need to be purchased, prepared or set before you start the party.

Transportation Organized!
Organized steps before you go out
If you are going out and don’t have a Designated Driver or limousine, there are two important factors to remember if you are driving to an event.
1) Make sure you have money for cab that you tuck away in a separate location from your spending money for the night.
2) Before you leave, make sure you have a key to the house. If you drove to an event, you might have pulled out of the garage and used a garage door opener to secure your home. You may have also switched into your small purse or single car key for your pocket. That means when the cab brings you home, you won’t have the garage door opener with you! Not everyone has a key pad entry for their garage or door, so make sure you have a key to the front door. One more thing, make sure you have not chained or dead bolted the door before you left via the garage!
Pre-Party Supplements Organized
If you are organized with a few items on hand before you have anything to drink, the articles I found stated that it can not only help prevent the hangover, it can help protect your liver.
Another natural treatment to prevent hangovers is to take vitamin B6 and thiamin that can help clear the liver from acetaldehyde, which builds up in the liver causing a hangover. Take a high dosage of vitamin B, such as B-50, before you start drinking.
The next natural treatment is milk thistle. Milk thistle is an herb that works to protect liver cells from alcohol by preventing and removing toxins from the cells. Taking two capsules with a meal before you start drinking is recommended to prevent hangovers.
Here is the link to this posted information.
Post Party Supplements Organized
Organized for when you get home
You also want to prepare a few things for when you arrive home and before you head off to sleep.
Hopefully you were drinking water all throughout the evening. A good rule of thumb is one drink, one water, one drink, one water. The next thing is to make sure you drink water before you go to sleep.
The main symptom of a hangover is dehydration and that can be minimized by drinking plenty of water. A headache is a symptom of dehydration and may be eased with pain relievers and by drinking water.
You may also want to try one of the following supports before you doze off.
If you ever drink too much and experience the sickening side effects
of a hangover, try these natural treatments to prevent or cure it. A teaspoon of bifidus can help you get through the night and prevent a hangover the next morning. Before you head off to bed, put a teaspoon of bifidus powder in a glass filled with water, stir it until the powder is dissolved, and drink up. Taking bifidus as a natural treatment works wonders if you take it after a night of heavy drinking; you’ll wake up the next morning with no traces of a hangover. Bifidus works because it reduces acetaldehyde, a digestive product of alcohol that is believed to cause the symptoms of a hangover.
An ayurvedic remedy consisting of lime and sugar water works to balance the elements that cause hangovers. The sugar helps to stabilize blood sugar and the lime refreshes and activates the liver. Add two teaspoons of fresh lime juice and ¼ teaspoon of sugar to a glass of water and drink slowly. Take the lime and sugar water after you have drank alcohol to cure a hangover. I would suggest mixing it in a water bottle before you go out!
Here is the link to this posted information.
Morning After Organized
4) If you are going to be organized for the morning after, do these steps BEFORE you go out!
Set your alarm clock and test the volume
Prepare a healthy breakfast and put it in the fridge ready to eat or warm up
Decide on and layout your clothing for the next day
Morning and Day After Supplements Organized
Essential Oils
The next natural treatment to cure hangovers is aromatherapy. Taking essential oils are a powerful way to cure the symptoms of a hangover the morning after.
If you feel sick, put a small drop of peppermint oil under your nose.
Taking coriander oil can also help to cure an upset stomach, put two drops on your stomach twice a day.
Frankincense oil helps to cool the body and can stop the sweats, put one drop on the upper right side of your abdomen, which is where your liver is located.
Grapefruit or orange essential oil can help lift your spirits.
Put two drops of vetiver essential oil on the top of your head to help you regain focus.
And lastly, to help cure those brain numbing headaches, place a drop of marjoram essential oil behind your ear. Not only will it help cure the headache but balance your central nervous system as well.
Hangover Helper Scent Inhaler is a natural hangover remedy. The pure essential oils were selected for their known hangover relief benefits to reduce the side effects of excessive alcohol consumption and debauchery.
Supplemental Facts: The blend for the Hangover Helper Scent Inhaler comprises:
Basil: Reduces nervous irritability.Peppermint: Lifts fatigue and calms the stomach.Lavender: Improves balance and relieves pain.Lemon: Clears the mind of tension.Jojoba: Aids in delivery of the other four fragrances
By focusing on a positive thought you will achieve even greater results with your Hangover Helper Inhaler, by gaining mindfulness in the moment.Directions: Open Inhaler, close your eyes and mouth, inhale and repeat your positive though or meditation.