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Organize before you Overindulge
It’s bound to happen at some point. Whether you are celebrating a big event, celebrating a holiday, attending a concert, finishing a project, or just going out with friends to have some fun – there’s a chance you might overindulge!
While it can be so fun when you’re in the moment, when the moment has passed and you are faced with the results, a few steps of preparation a.k.a. organizing, can make it a little less painful.
Most of these need to be purchased, prepared or set before you start the party.

Transportation Organized!
Organized steps before you go out
If you are going out and don’t have a Designated Driver or limousine, there are two important factors to remember if you are driving to an event.
1) Make sure you have money for cab that you tuck away in a separate location from your spending money for the night.
2) Before you leave, make sure you have a key to the house. If you drove to an event, you might have pulled out of the garage and used a garage door opener to secure your home. You may have also switched into your small purse or single car key for your pocket. That means when the cab brings you home, you won’t have the garage door opener with you! Not everyone has a key pad entry for their garage or door, so make sure you have a key to the front door. One more thing, make sure you have not chained or dead bolted the door before you left via the garage!
Pre-Party Supplements Organized
If you are organized with a few items on hand before you have anything to drink, the articles I found stated that it can not only help prevent the hangover, it can help protect your liver.
Another natural treatment to prevent hangovers is to take vitamin B6 and thiamin that can help clear the liver from acetaldehyde, which builds up in the liver causing a hangover. Take a high dosage of vitamin B, such as B-50, before you start drinking.
The next natural treatment is milk thistle. Milk thistle is an herb that works to protect liver cells from alcohol by preventing and removing toxins from the cells. Taking two capsules with a meal before you start drinking is recommended to prevent hangovers.
Here is the link to this posted information.
Post Party Supplements Organized
Organized for when you get home
You also want to prepare a few things for when you arrive home and before you head off to sleep.
Hopefully you were drinking water all throughout the evening. A good rule of thumb is one drink, one water, one drink, one water. The next thing is to make sure you drink water before you go to sleep.
The main symptom of a hangover is dehydration and that can be minimized by drinking plenty of water. A headache is a symptom of dehydration and may be eased with pain relievers and by drinking water.
You may also want to try one of the following supports before you doze off.
If you ever drink too much and experience the sickening side effects
of a hangover, try these natural treatments to prevent or cure it. A teaspoon of bifidus can help you get through the night and prevent a hangover the next morning. Before you head off to bed, put a teaspoon of bifidus powder in a glass filled with water, stir it until the powder is dissolved, and drink up. Taking bifidus as a natural treatment works wonders if you take it after a night of heavy drinking; you’ll wake up the next morning with no traces of a hangover. Bifidus works because it reduces acetaldehyde, a digestive product of alcohol that is believed to cause the symptoms of a hangover.
An ayurvedic remedy consisting of lime and sugar water works to balance the elements that cause hangovers. The sugar helps to stabilize blood sugar and the lime refreshes and activates the liver. Add two teaspoons of fresh lime juice and ¼ teaspoon of sugar to a glass of water and drink slowly. Take the lime and sugar water after you have drank alcohol to cure a hangover. I would suggest mixing it in a water bottle before you go out!
Here is the link to this posted information.
Morning After Organized
4) If you are going to be organized for the morning after, do these steps BEFORE you go out!
Set your alarm clock and test the volume
Prepare a healthy breakfast and put it in the fridge ready to eat or warm up
Decide on and layout your clothing for the next day
Morning and Day After Supplements Organized
Essential Oils
The next natural treatment to cure hangovers is aromatherapy. Taking essential oils are a powerful way to cure the symptoms of a hangover the morning after.
If you feel sick, put a small drop of peppermint oil under your nose.
Taking coriander oil can also help to cure an upset stomach, put two drops on your stomach twice a day.
Frankincense oil helps to cool the body and can stop the sweats, put one drop on the upper right side of your abdomen, which is where your liver is located.
Grapefruit or orange essential oil can help lift your spirits.
Put two drops of vetiver essential oil on the top of your head to help you regain focus.
And lastly, to help cure those brain numbing headaches, place a drop of marjoram essential oil behind your ear. Not only will it help cure the headache but balance your central nervous system as well.
Hangover Helper Scent Inhaler is a natural hangover remedy. The pure essential oils were selected for their known hangover relief benefits to reduce the side effects of excessive alcohol consumption and debauchery.
Supplemental Facts: The blend for the Hangover Helper Scent Inhaler comprises:
Basil: Reduces nervous irritability.Peppermint: Lifts fatigue and calms the stomach.Lavender: Improves balance and relieves pain.Lemon: Clears the mind of tension.Jojoba: Aids in delivery of the other four fragrances
By focusing on a positive thought you will achieve even greater results with your Hangover Helper Inhaler, by gaining mindfulness in the moment.Directions: Open Inhaler, close your eyes and mouth, inhale and repeat your positive though or meditation.
While it can be so fun when you’re in the moment, when the moment has passed and you are faced with the results, a few steps of preparation a.k.a. organizing, can make it a little less painful.
Most of these need to be purchased, prepared or set before you start the party.

Transportation Organized!
Organized steps before you go out
If you are going out and don’t have a Designated Driver or limousine, there are two important factors to remember if you are driving to an event.
1) Make sure you have money for cab that you tuck away in a separate location from your spending money for the night.
2) Before you leave, make sure you have a key to the house. If you drove to an event, you might have pulled out of the garage and used a garage door opener to secure your home. You may have also switched into your small purse or single car key for your pocket. That means when the cab brings you home, you won’t have the garage door opener with you! Not everyone has a key pad entry for their garage or door, so make sure you have a key to the front door. One more thing, make sure you have not chained or dead bolted the door before you left via the garage!
Pre-Party Supplements Organized
If you are organized with a few items on hand before you have anything to drink, the articles I found stated that it can not only help prevent the hangover, it can help protect your liver.
Another natural treatment to prevent hangovers is to take vitamin B6 and thiamin that can help clear the liver from acetaldehyde, which builds up in the liver causing a hangover. Take a high dosage of vitamin B, such as B-50, before you start drinking.
The next natural treatment is milk thistle. Milk thistle is an herb that works to protect liver cells from alcohol by preventing and removing toxins from the cells. Taking two capsules with a meal before you start drinking is recommended to prevent hangovers.
Here is the link to this posted information.
Post Party Supplements Organized
Organized for when you get home
You also want to prepare a few things for when you arrive home and before you head off to sleep.
Hopefully you were drinking water all throughout the evening. A good rule of thumb is one drink, one water, one drink, one water. The next thing is to make sure you drink water before you go to sleep.
The main symptom of a hangover is dehydration and that can be minimized by drinking plenty of water. A headache is a symptom of dehydration and may be eased with pain relievers and by drinking water.
You may also want to try one of the following supports before you doze off.
If you ever drink too much and experience the sickening side effects
of a hangover, try these natural treatments to prevent or cure it. A teaspoon of bifidus can help you get through the night and prevent a hangover the next morning. Before you head off to bed, put a teaspoon of bifidus powder in a glass filled with water, stir it until the powder is dissolved, and drink up. Taking bifidus as a natural treatment works wonders if you take it after a night of heavy drinking; you’ll wake up the next morning with no traces of a hangover. Bifidus works because it reduces acetaldehyde, a digestive product of alcohol that is believed to cause the symptoms of a hangover.
An ayurvedic remedy consisting of lime and sugar water works to balance the elements that cause hangovers. The sugar helps to stabilize blood sugar and the lime refreshes and activates the liver. Add two teaspoons of fresh lime juice and ¼ teaspoon of sugar to a glass of water and drink slowly. Take the lime and sugar water after you have drank alcohol to cure a hangover. I would suggest mixing it in a water bottle before you go out!
Here is the link to this posted information.
Morning After Organized
4) If you are going to be organized for the morning after, do these steps BEFORE you go out!
Set your alarm clock and test the volume
Prepare a healthy breakfast and put it in the fridge ready to eat or warm up
Decide on and layout your clothing for the next day
Morning and Day After Supplements Organized
Essential Oils
The next natural treatment to cure hangovers is aromatherapy. Taking essential oils are a powerful way to cure the symptoms of a hangover the morning after.
If you feel sick, put a small drop of peppermint oil under your nose.
Taking coriander oil can also help to cure an upset stomach, put two drops on your stomach twice a day.
Frankincense oil helps to cool the body and can stop the sweats, put one drop on the upper right side of your abdomen, which is where your liver is located.
Grapefruit or orange essential oil can help lift your spirits.
Put two drops of vetiver essential oil on the top of your head to help you regain focus.
And lastly, to help cure those brain numbing headaches, place a drop of marjoram essential oil behind your ear. Not only will it help cure the headache but balance your central nervous system as well.
Hangover Helper Scent Inhaler is a natural hangover remedy. The pure essential oils were selected for their known hangover relief benefits to reduce the side effects of excessive alcohol consumption and debauchery.
Supplemental Facts: The blend for the Hangover Helper Scent Inhaler comprises:
Basil: Reduces nervous irritability.Peppermint: Lifts fatigue and calms the stomach.Lavender: Improves balance and relieves pain.Lemon: Clears the mind of tension.Jojoba: Aids in delivery of the other four fragrances
By focusing on a positive thought you will achieve even greater results with your Hangover Helper Inhaler, by gaining mindfulness in the moment.Directions: Open Inhaler, close your eyes and mouth, inhale and repeat your positive though or meditation.
Things to Organize in the Spring

What kind of thing MUST you organize in the Spring?
1) Schedule an appointment for an AC checkup for your car and home!
2) When you do the seasonal clothing switch, here are a few organizing suggestions.
Closet structure – Check to see if any part of the closet needs adjusting or improvements?
Purge – Before you start the switch and possible purging, check out some of the spring and summer clothing trends.
Storage Protection – It’s very important to pack away wintery items so they are safe and protected. Whether you need to protect from bugs, dust, heat or humidity, take the extra care to protect the clothing for 6 months.
3) Make a commitment to your health and physical well being. Set up a program, make a chart or calendar to track your plan and your progress, turn up the heat and set a goal!
Diet – What type of eating lifestyle will best support your physical and mental health?
Exercise - Whether it’s for the shorts and short sleeves or for the extra activities that require better fitness, start now so you have a couple of months to get your body into shape!
4) Summer Activity Preparation
Summer Equipment – Maybe it’s a boat, a bike, camping gear or any other piece of equipment. It’s time to clean up, restock supplies, refresh the emergency kits, do a safety check and schedule repairs. Even if you have been using it all year, an annual review is a good, organized practice.
Travel – Research options now for summer travel. Then make reservations, schedule time off, and make any other arrangements necessary for fun summer adventures.
Register for Activities – Research and register for summer programs. They fill up fast!
5) ENJOY Spring Weather
Get outside before the heat, or bugs and humidity keep us indoors.
Plan a picnic, schedule a hike, or even enjoy dinner on the patio!
1) Schedule an appointment for an AC checkup for your car and home!
2) When you do the seasonal clothing switch, here are a few organizing suggestions.
Closet structure – Check to see if any part of the closet needs adjusting or improvements?
Purge – Before you start the switch and possible purging, check out some of the spring and summer clothing trends.
Storage Protection – It’s very important to pack away wintery items so they are safe and protected. Whether you need to protect from bugs, dust, heat or humidity, take the extra care to protect the clothing for 6 months.
3) Make a commitment to your health and physical well being. Set up a program, make a chart or calendar to track your plan and your progress, turn up the heat and set a goal!
Diet – What type of eating lifestyle will best support your physical and mental health?
Exercise - Whether it’s for the shorts and short sleeves or for the extra activities that require better fitness, start now so you have a couple of months to get your body into shape!
4) Summer Activity Preparation
Summer Equipment – Maybe it’s a boat, a bike, camping gear or any other piece of equipment. It’s time to clean up, restock supplies, refresh the emergency kits, do a safety check and schedule repairs. Even if you have been using it all year, an annual review is a good, organized practice.
Travel – Research options now for summer travel. Then make reservations, schedule time off, and make any other arrangements necessary for fun summer adventures.
Register for Activities – Research and register for summer programs. They fill up fast!
5) ENJOY Spring Weather
Get outside before the heat, or bugs and humidity keep us indoors.
Plan a picnic, schedule a hike, or even enjoy dinner on the patio!
5 Keys to Organized First Aid Kits

In the middle of the night, when someone becomes sick or you have an emergency, that's not the time to realize your medications are expired and you used the last band-aid!
We don't plan for an injury or accident, so being prepared is important because there's no warning and you don't exactly set an appointment for accident Make sure your First Aid Kits are up to date and well stocked.
Products expire, life changes, preferences change and so do your needs. Here are 5 quick tips to help you Be Organized, Be Prepared! My goal is to help you catch the things in life that need attention, even though they are not screaming at you this very moment!
We don't plan for an injury or accident, so being prepared is important because there's no warning and you don't exactly set an appointment for accident Make sure your First Aid Kits are up to date and well stocked.
Products expire, life changes, preferences change and so do your needs. Here are 5 quick tips to help you Be Organized, Be Prepared! My goal is to help you catch the things in life that need attention, even though they are not screaming at you this very moment!
5 Keys for Making an Organized First Aid Kit
This is not intended to replace medical advice from a registered physician. Please check with your doctor about special needs you may have or items you may need to avoid.
1) Basic First Aid Kit
The minimum is to have a basic First Aid Kit and to either know the basics of First Aid or have a quick reference guide. You can either purchase a prepackaged one or go to one of the websites below to get a list and put together your own kit.
Basic First Aid Kit Websites
Ready. gov Website website
2) Preferences
Next is to look at preferences for what you want to include in a First Aid Kit. Look into preferences such as holistic options and how those preferences will change what you add to your First Aid Kit.
Holistic Basic First Aid Websites
Basic Holistic Site
Holistic for Toddlers and Kids
3) Special Needs
Now it's time to individualize even further for special and lifestyle needs. There might be someone in the family with special medical needs, you might need items for pet emergencies and then there are many activity related needs. The list below might trigger areas of your life you had not included.
Supplies For Toddlers and Kids
For Pet Owners
Pet Owners Site 1
Pet Owners Site 2
First Aid Kits locations:
Medicine Cabinets
Hall ClosetsOffice
Diaper bag
Travel Bags
camping gear
emergency kits
hiking gear
pool areas
4) Location
There are two factors related to the location; make it assessable, yet don't make it assessable. Make sure a First Aid Kit is assessable and easy to identify. If you have packed your own variation of supplies and it doesn't say FIRST AID KIT in big bold letters, then make sure you label it so others can identify it. The flip side is to make sure it's not too assessable for children and pets.
There are over 100,000 Over The Counter medications available today. To read about OTC medicine safety visit
5) Regular Review of Supplies
It is always surprising when you pull out First Aid Kits and Medicines that they expired so long ago. Yes, time flies between times you use these items so have a regular review of the supplies in your kits.
There are three main things you're looking for on your annual or semi-annual check in:
Need to restock after items are used
Update on needs
Expiration Dates
Suggestion about expiration dates
If you have, for example, an antibiotic cream that will expire in 8 months. Put that one in the place that you would likely use it first. Put the new tube in the place that you would likely use it last.
Buying in bulk
If you purchased some items in bulk and are going to divide it among several kits, be cautious of items that have expiration dates. If you refill a little bottle of ibuprofen from a big new bottle of ibuprofen, watch for expiration dates because you don't want to resort in the future and toss good medicine, but you also don't want to think something is OK and have it actually expired. An item that will be handy to have when you restock is various sizes of ziploc bags.
© Balanced Organizing Solutions, LLC
The 5 C’s of Discipline for a Project
When you decide to take on a marketing project, or any project for that matter, incorporating any of the 5 C’s will help you with the discipline of staying on task.
There are many components to a project and the ones that get the most attention are the ones in the preparation area. They are important; however, once the project has moved from the preparation period into the implementation or the use phase, there are 5 C’s that are critical to the ongoing success of the project and the results.
Telling someone what you are going to do and asking them to hold you accountable for it will have a direct impact on your actions. Coaching comes in many forms and at many prices, so if you are going to gain the support from a coach, it must match your needs.
This is the time you spend on the project to keep it progressing and generating great results. From how often to how long you spend touching the project components will need to fit into your days and weeks. Putting those actions on your calendar increases the likelihood it will happen.
Having a visual representation of how things are progressing provides you with honest results. Whether you have full metrics or a thermometer on the wall, seeing what is occurring is a great motivator for staying the course.
Again, once the preparation is complete, now the real work begins. Many times the preparation of a project is to set up for a repeated action or a system to do its work. Having a checklist to verify the system process or repeated action will help ensure that the project is working as planned no matter who is managing the various parts of the system.
If you have confidence that the project you are implementing will create incredible results, then the discipline you need to stick to the tasks will be much easier. Success is a given!
There are many components to a project and the ones that get the most attention are the ones in the preparation area. They are important; however, once the project has moved from the preparation period into the implementation or the use phase, there are 5 C’s that are critical to the ongoing success of the project and the results.
Telling someone what you are going to do and asking them to hold you accountable for it will have a direct impact on your actions. Coaching comes in many forms and at many prices, so if you are going to gain the support from a coach, it must match your needs.
This is the time you spend on the project to keep it progressing and generating great results. From how often to how long you spend touching the project components will need to fit into your days and weeks. Putting those actions on your calendar increases the likelihood it will happen.
Having a visual representation of how things are progressing provides you with honest results. Whether you have full metrics or a thermometer on the wall, seeing what is occurring is a great motivator for staying the course.
Again, once the preparation is complete, now the real work begins. Many times the preparation of a project is to set up for a repeated action or a system to do its work. Having a checklist to verify the system process or repeated action will help ensure that the project is working as planned no matter who is managing the various parts of the system.
If you have confidence that the project you are implementing will create incredible results, then the discipline you need to stick to the tasks will be much easier. Success is a given!
Check out the partnership of a Marketing Expert and my Organizing expertise at
#31 Congrats and Final Task
... and thank you for participating in the
31 Ways to Get Organized in 31 Days 2009!
I hope this month gave you the opportunity to take on various organizing tasks that have made a difference in your life. While some of them might not move mountains, if you are less stressed, less frustrated and have more time, then you are free to get out there and move mountains!
There's one final task below, so don't leave just yet! I will also be sending you a quick survey and your reply is apprecaited!
Welcome to Way #31!
After a month of doing various organizing tasks, notice what made the biggest difference for you. Which task do you want to finish? or start? Which task will you repeat?
You also learned a bit more about yourself and your organizing style. Did a certain task make you the most energized? Did one save you the most time? Was there a task that you totally avoided because you didn't know how to tackle the hurdles associated with that task?
Day Way # 31 Make an organizing plan for February
* Look at the next month and determine what days you will do organizing tasks. Is Monday the big organizing day for you? Did you like doing one little thing each day?
* Schedule or target tasks you would like to repeat or complete.
* Make sure you are signed up for other Balanced Organizing Solutions eTips and Seminar annoucements.
... and thank you for participating in the
31 Ways to Get Organized in 31 Days 2009!
I hope this month gave you the opportunity to take on various organizing tasks that have made a difference in your life. While some of them might not move mountains, if you are less stressed, less frustrated and have more time, then you are free to get out there and move mountains!
There's one final task below, so don't leave just yet! I will also be sending you a quick survey and your reply is apprecaited!
Welcome to Way #31!
After a month of doing various organizing tasks, notice what made the biggest difference for you. Which task do you want to finish? or start? Which task will you repeat?
You also learned a bit more about yourself and your organizing style. Did a certain task make you the most energized? Did one save you the most time? Was there a task that you totally avoided because you didn't know how to tackle the hurdles associated with that task?
Day Way # 31 Make an organizing plan for February
* Look at the next month and determine what days you will do organizing tasks. Is Monday the big organizing day for you? Did you like doing one little thing each day?
* Schedule or target tasks you would like to repeat or complete.
* Make sure you are signed up for other Balanced Organizing Solutions eTips and Seminar annoucements.
#30 Less Housework
Who likes housework? Dusting, washing, vacuuming, and putting things away. Cutting down the time to do it or the amount you pay someone else to do it are easily within reach. Here are the staggering numbers: Getting rid of clutter eliminates 40% of the housework in an average household. That means 40% less time!
Significant enough that it's worth your time to eliminate some clutter!
Day Way # 30 Pick one area in your environment and reduce the clutter in that space.
You know the space you need to pick. It's the one you dread cleaning, the one that takes you the longest or the one that never gets done because it seems like too much! Suggestions
* If the items in a space simply need to return to their home, first return them. Then determine why they tend to collect in that space and create a different solution for those items.
* It might be time to assess how many knickknacks you have around your environment. If you have a lot, it likely takes time to dust each one. It goes something like this; first move them all off the surface. Clean the surface. Then, one by one, dust them and return them to the location. Imagine if that surface only had 3 items on it and how much LESS time it would take.
* The above can also apply if you are a collections person. See if you can still have the collection, but spend less time cleaning it.
* The extra clutter can come from casually laying down a coat, a book, a flier from the store, or the item you need to return to the store. Be more purposeful in where you place things. It saves in two ways; first is that you don't have to touch it a second time to put it in its proper home and second is that you don't have to move it to clean.
Wishing you 40% less time cleaning or paying someone to clean! You have more important and fun things to do with your time and your money!
Significant enough that it's worth your time to eliminate some clutter!
Day Way # 30 Pick one area in your environment and reduce the clutter in that space.
You know the space you need to pick. It's the one you dread cleaning, the one that takes you the longest or the one that never gets done because it seems like too much! Suggestions
* If the items in a space simply need to return to their home, first return them. Then determine why they tend to collect in that space and create a different solution for those items.
* It might be time to assess how many knickknacks you have around your environment. If you have a lot, it likely takes time to dust each one. It goes something like this; first move them all off the surface. Clean the surface. Then, one by one, dust them and return them to the location. Imagine if that surface only had 3 items on it and how much LESS time it would take.
* The above can also apply if you are a collections person. See if you can still have the collection, but spend less time cleaning it.
* The extra clutter can come from casually laying down a coat, a book, a flier from the store, or the item you need to return to the store. Be more purposeful in where you place things. It saves in two ways; first is that you don't have to touch it a second time to put it in its proper home and second is that you don't have to move it to clean.
Wishing you 40% less time cleaning or paying someone to clean! You have more important and fun things to do with your time and your money!
Response to Comment on #29
Great Comment/Question from Rubbermaid about #29! How to get kids to not leave toothpaste all over the counter.
Here are a couple of ideas!
Let's get Rubbermaid to make a toothpaste slide for the front side of the sink. Place it over the edge of the sink and the goal for the "brusher" is to have the toothpaste and (sorry) spit go down the slide into the sink. Then rinse the slide and set it aside.
Another choice is to have a special "toothpaste towel" to wipe down the counter. That clean up is all it is ever used for and it could have a cute tooth or something on it. It could have been left by the tooth fairy at the last tooth under the pillow night with a note about not wasting precious toothpaste.
One last one, get them in the habit of using a kleenex to wipe their face and then use it to wipe off the counter as well. Not as green as the towel, but just tossing out ideas!
Here are a couple of ideas!
Let's get Rubbermaid to make a toothpaste slide for the front side of the sink. Place it over the edge of the sink and the goal for the "brusher" is to have the toothpaste and (sorry) spit go down the slide into the sink. Then rinse the slide and set it aside.
Another choice is to have a special "toothpaste towel" to wipe down the counter. That clean up is all it is ever used for and it could have a cute tooth or something on it. It could have been left by the tooth fairy at the last tooth under the pillow night with a note about not wasting precious toothpaste.
One last one, get them in the habit of using a kleenex to wipe their face and then use it to wipe off the counter as well. Not as green as the towel, but just tossing out ideas!
#29 - Bathroom Counter Clearing
Today's task is in a room everyone visits many times in a day, but one or two visits are more important than the others. So, I ask you, if there is a place that you visit every day and do virtually the exact same thing every day, shouldn't it be one of the most organized places in your world?
I think so!
It is the place that everyone takes morning time to whisk away the nighttime slumber and prepare for the day. And equally in the evening to wash away the day's residue.
Day Way # 29 Clear off your bathroom counter and organize the products you use everyday.
While I could request that you take on the whole bathroom, we are going to focus on the bathroom counter and you can take it as far as you would like from there. Suggestions
* Your bathroom counter should be 90% clear. Keep basic items like hand soap, ring holder, and a decorative item or two on the counter.
* Have quick access to products with a specific task. For example, I have a basket with my brushes, combs, hair dryer and clips. I pull out the whole basket, put it on the counter, do my task, then put the whole basket away. I also have all my make up in one plastic drawer from an organizer under the sink. I pull out the whole drawer, set it on the counter, do my task, then put the whole drawer away. Gives access without the constant clutter for the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day.
*An important aspect of having a clutter free and organized bathroom counter is that you spend less time doing the daily routinues. You get out what you need, use it and put it away. No hunting and searching through the mass of products that are on the counter. You also don't have to shift things around on the counter to make space for the items for the next task.
* When it is cleaning time, you don't have 14 splattered bottles on the counter to move before you can wipe down the counter. AND you don't have 14 bottles that look horrible because they've been splattered with toothpaste and various personal care products.
* For those that use heating elements on your hair, fewer melted bottle edges from a curling iron!
I think so!
It is the place that everyone takes morning time to whisk away the nighttime slumber and prepare for the day. And equally in the evening to wash away the day's residue.
Day Way # 29 Clear off your bathroom counter and organize the products you use everyday.
While I could request that you take on the whole bathroom, we are going to focus on the bathroom counter and you can take it as far as you would like from there. Suggestions
* Your bathroom counter should be 90% clear. Keep basic items like hand soap, ring holder, and a decorative item or two on the counter.
* Have quick access to products with a specific task. For example, I have a basket with my brushes, combs, hair dryer and clips. I pull out the whole basket, put it on the counter, do my task, then put the whole basket away. I also have all my make up in one plastic drawer from an organizer under the sink. I pull out the whole drawer, set it on the counter, do my task, then put the whole drawer away. Gives access without the constant clutter for the other 23 hours and 45 minutes of the day.
*An important aspect of having a clutter free and organized bathroom counter is that you spend less time doing the daily routinues. You get out what you need, use it and put it away. No hunting and searching through the mass of products that are on the counter. You also don't have to shift things around on the counter to make space for the items for the next task.
* When it is cleaning time, you don't have 14 splattered bottles on the counter to move before you can wipe down the counter. AND you don't have 14 bottles that look horrible because they've been splattered with toothpaste and various personal care products.
* For those that use heating elements on your hair, fewer melted bottle edges from a curling iron!
#28 Technology, Love/Hate
Do you love it? Do you hate it?
Now hate is a pretty strong word, but I'm likely not alone in my occasional use of nasty words directed toward my technology or electronics. Yes, we love what technology can do for us and yet we all can have a moment when we get frustrated by it.
After my 4 years of working with educational software I made a pact with myself that I would never let technology get the best of me. It does brink on the edge of getting the best of me at times, but I learned that there is always a solution.... you just have to find it!
Let's find a solution for you that doesn't involve electrocution, a trip to the store to buy a new computer or heavy drinking. Joyfully,
Day Way # 28 Find the "how to" for one electronic challenge or the next step of use.
*If there is one glitch that has been bugging you about an electronic in your life, it's time to take care of it.
*If there is a process that you know a piece of software can do for you, but you don't know how, learn it.
*If you have a new piece of software or hardware that you have not installed, plugged in or downloaded, do it.
Where can you find the answers?
*Manuals - paper
*Manuals - digital
*Technology Consultants & Trainers
*Online support from corporation
*Online support from question boards, chat rooms
*Ask a teenager!
Now hate is a pretty strong word, but I'm likely not alone in my occasional use of nasty words directed toward my technology or electronics. Yes, we love what technology can do for us and yet we all can have a moment when we get frustrated by it.
After my 4 years of working with educational software I made a pact with myself that I would never let technology get the best of me. It does brink on the edge of getting the best of me at times, but I learned that there is always a solution.... you just have to find it!
Let's find a solution for you that doesn't involve electrocution, a trip to the store to buy a new computer or heavy drinking. Joyfully,
Day Way # 28 Find the "how to" for one electronic challenge or the next step of use.
*If there is one glitch that has been bugging you about an electronic in your life, it's time to take care of it.
*If there is a process that you know a piece of software can do for you, but you don't know how, learn it.
*If you have a new piece of software or hardware that you have not installed, plugged in or downloaded, do it.
Where can you find the answers?
*Manuals - paper
*Manuals - digital
*Technology Consultants & Trainers
*Online support from corporation
*Online support from question boards, chat rooms
*Ask a teenager!
#27 Tiny Slips of Paper
Tiny slips of paper. Yes, we all have them and some have them more than others. It's the phone number, the reminder on the little phone memo sheet to pick up TP on the way home, the short to do list of the "really" important tasks for the day and the notes you took about flight times for your next trip.
Here's the problem with tiny slips of paper:
*one of them can get easily lost
*you have to look through the whole stack again and again to find the one you need
*they are different sizes, shapes, color and various stages of "stickiness" if it was a post-it
*most important - they don't send the message of, "I am organized!"
Day Way # 27 Find a different solution for all those tiny slips of paper.
Everyone is different, so here are a couple of suggestions that might spark the right answer for you.
One criteria is that it must be able to travel with you. While there are great desktop and office space solutions using paper, white boards or technology, in the long run you'd likely still make tiny slips of notes.
* Technology - if you have a PDA, do you use it for your tasks and reminders? If not, maybe it's time to increase the use of a tool to incorporate one more function.
* Small Notebook - A little spiral notebook can hold all those "tiny slips" together. You must be disciplined to use it; carry it in your purse, your briefcase, your pocket, etc. The rule is to only write one task on each sheet, which is why it's small. Then you can tear out the one you've finished.
The tiny slips of paper not being effective is one of the reasons Gina Robison-Billups and I created The Accomplishment Journal. It supports more aspects of being effective and organized than just fixing the tiny slips of paper situation.
Check it out at The Accomplishment Journal
If the link is not active for you, copy and paste this link * Make your own To Do Chart. It's easy to make a To Do Chart on the computer because you can customize it to your specific needs. It can cover one day, a week, or the span of time you need. Then you can break down the sections to match your common tasks and how many you tend to have for each area.
Here's the problem with tiny slips of paper:
*one of them can get easily lost
*you have to look through the whole stack again and again to find the one you need
*they are different sizes, shapes, color and various stages of "stickiness" if it was a post-it
*most important - they don't send the message of, "I am organized!"
Day Way # 27 Find a different solution for all those tiny slips of paper.
Everyone is different, so here are a couple of suggestions that might spark the right answer for you.
One criteria is that it must be able to travel with you. While there are great desktop and office space solutions using paper, white boards or technology, in the long run you'd likely still make tiny slips of notes.
* Technology - if you have a PDA, do you use it for your tasks and reminders? If not, maybe it's time to increase the use of a tool to incorporate one more function.
* Small Notebook - A little spiral notebook can hold all those "tiny slips" together. You must be disciplined to use it; carry it in your purse, your briefcase, your pocket, etc. The rule is to only write one task on each sheet, which is why it's small. Then you can tear out the one you've finished.
The tiny slips of paper not being effective is one of the reasons Gina Robison-Billups and I created The Accomplishment Journal. It supports more aspects of being effective and organized than just fixing the tiny slips of paper situation.
Check it out at The Accomplishment Journal
If the link is not active for you, copy and paste this link * Make your own To Do Chart. It's easy to make a To Do Chart on the computer because you can customize it to your specific needs. It can cover one day, a week, or the span of time you need. Then you can break down the sections to match your common tasks and how many you tend to have for each area.
#26 Nightstand Refresh
What's the last thing you see before you go to sleep and what's the first thing you see when you wake up? There is a correlation between what we see and the message that gets planted in our brain.
Does that message send you off to slumberland with positive thoughts, ready to dream about your goals and joys? When you wake up, does that message start your day with empowerment, joy and the confidence we all need to take on these challenging days?
Day Way # 26 Organize your nightstand/bedside table.
Create the space to be not only functional, but one that gives you a positive message.
Make sure that if you wake up in the middle of the night, you can easily reach what you need.
I also find it interesting that many times when someone is being interviewed or profiled, they ask, "What's on your nightstand right now?" They are generally referring to what reading material, but since it's a popular question, there tends to be some meaning in what IS on your nightstand.
Does that message send you off to slumberland with positive thoughts, ready to dream about your goals and joys? When you wake up, does that message start your day with empowerment, joy and the confidence we all need to take on these challenging days?
Day Way # 26 Organize your nightstand/bedside table.
Create the space to be not only functional, but one that gives you a positive message.
Make sure that if you wake up in the middle of the night, you can easily reach what you need.
I also find it interesting that many times when someone is being interviewed or profiled, they ask, "What's on your nightstand right now?" They are generally referring to what reading material, but since it's a popular question, there tends to be some meaning in what IS on your nightstand.
#24 & 25 Meal Prep for the Week
The Get Organized Project for this weekend hits so many areas, I'm not sure which category it fits best! It is also one of the best type of organizing projects to take on because it will give you the GREATEST return on your investment of time.
Do you stand and look in the cupboard and wonder what to eat? Do you run to the grocery store for one item? Do you have healthy eating goals that are not hitting their mark? Are you looking for a way to reduce your grocery spending?
This weekend you will create many positive results for you.... so let's get started!
Day Way # 24 & #25 Plan, Shop, Prep and Portion out your meals for the week.
We will look at each step in the process and you can work at your own pace. The goal is to wake up Monday morning and not have to plan or think about food for the week. The only thing you have to do is enjoy the healthy, scrumptious and easy food you prepared!
Step 1 PLAN
Review recipes, week's schedule and pantry supplies.
Review the coming week
Look at what is going on this week and plan accordingly for quick meals, take away meals and balance of healthy choices.
Try something new!
If you save recipes and always want to try a new one, this is your chance to one out for the week. Even trying one new recipe a week can add a fresh and new feeling to your meals. Plan recipes/meals that use items in your pantry.
Use what you have. Saves on the grocery bill.Plan recipes/meals that use similar special ingredients.
For example, if you need fresh cilantro for a meal, make sure you plan a meal or two that can use cilantro. While it's not the most expensive thing you have to purchase, cutting down on the food you waste will help with your budget.
Make a grocery list
Having a full list of needed groceries for the week based on your plan can save you time and money.
Review coupons you have for items and advertised specials at stores. Star items on your grocery list that have coupons.
Step 2 SHOP
Pick a time to go when the grocery stores aren't crowded, it will make your time go faster.
Multiple Stores?
If you're like us, we shop at a couple of different stores based on where we can find good organic produce, products that match our ingredient criteria and also have the best price. So, plan to stop at the store where you buy your frozen or most perishable items last.
Take your reusable grocery bags!
Remember coupons and advertised specials!
Step 3 PREP
Prep Foods that need washing.
Most foods will last longer if they've been washed, especially in a veggie or fruit wash. It also cuts down the time needed when you go to eat it or when you use part for a recipe. Some items won't do well wash ahead like mushrooms, so you make the call.
Prep for recipes
Whether it's portioning out ingredients, washing and chopping or
getting out appliances needed for prep or cooking, doing it all at once can save time.
Cook, Bake or Steam
I'm all for eating the freshest food possible, but if the choice is to eat a good healthy portion of something made 3 days ago with great ingredients or doing a drive through, guess which one wins?
Make Several Dishes at One Time
Also, if you are in the kitchen preparing one dish, might as well do a few others at the same time. Use those minutes when you're waiting for something to boil, bake or rest by working on another recipe.
Put in portion size containers for the week
If you take your lunch or would only have a single serving at one time (meaning don't do it for a family meal) put a serving in a storage container. It will help you when you are pulling items for your lunch, but it will also help you manage your portion sizes.
If it is something that will freeze well, freezing in portion or family meal size containers makes it easy to take out prepared foods as needed. It is also something that stretches the return on your investment of prep time because you stand a better chance of not having to toss out food that has gone bad.
Cheat Sheet
Give yourself a little cheat sheet that gives you the final steps you need to do for a specific recipe or meal that needs to be finished at that time. Either write it down or if it's longer, put a sticky note on the recipe or page in a cookbook for quick reference.
Do you stand and look in the cupboard and wonder what to eat? Do you run to the grocery store for one item? Do you have healthy eating goals that are not hitting their mark? Are you looking for a way to reduce your grocery spending?
This weekend you will create many positive results for you.... so let's get started!
Day Way # 24 & #25 Plan, Shop, Prep and Portion out your meals for the week.
We will look at each step in the process and you can work at your own pace. The goal is to wake up Monday morning and not have to plan or think about food for the week. The only thing you have to do is enjoy the healthy, scrumptious and easy food you prepared!
Step 1 PLAN
Review recipes, week's schedule and pantry supplies.
Review the coming week
Look at what is going on this week and plan accordingly for quick meals, take away meals and balance of healthy choices.
Try something new!
If you save recipes and always want to try a new one, this is your chance to one out for the week. Even trying one new recipe a week can add a fresh and new feeling to your meals. Plan recipes/meals that use items in your pantry.
Use what you have. Saves on the grocery bill.Plan recipes/meals that use similar special ingredients.
For example, if you need fresh cilantro for a meal, make sure you plan a meal or two that can use cilantro. While it's not the most expensive thing you have to purchase, cutting down on the food you waste will help with your budget.
Make a grocery list
Having a full list of needed groceries for the week based on your plan can save you time and money.
Review coupons you have for items and advertised specials at stores. Star items on your grocery list that have coupons.
Step 2 SHOP
Pick a time to go when the grocery stores aren't crowded, it will make your time go faster.
Multiple Stores?
If you're like us, we shop at a couple of different stores based on where we can find good organic produce, products that match our ingredient criteria and also have the best price. So, plan to stop at the store where you buy your frozen or most perishable items last.
Take your reusable grocery bags!
Remember coupons and advertised specials!
Step 3 PREP
Prep Foods that need washing.
Most foods will last longer if they've been washed, especially in a veggie or fruit wash. It also cuts down the time needed when you go to eat it or when you use part for a recipe. Some items won't do well wash ahead like mushrooms, so you make the call.
Prep for recipes
Whether it's portioning out ingredients, washing and chopping or
getting out appliances needed for prep or cooking, doing it all at once can save time.
Cook, Bake or Steam
I'm all for eating the freshest food possible, but if the choice is to eat a good healthy portion of something made 3 days ago with great ingredients or doing a drive through, guess which one wins?
Make Several Dishes at One Time
Also, if you are in the kitchen preparing one dish, might as well do a few others at the same time. Use those minutes when you're waiting for something to boil, bake or rest by working on another recipe.
Put in portion size containers for the week
If you take your lunch or would only have a single serving at one time (meaning don't do it for a family meal) put a serving in a storage container. It will help you when you are pulling items for your lunch, but it will also help you manage your portion sizes.
If it is something that will freeze well, freezing in portion or family meal size containers makes it easy to take out prepared foods as needed. It is also something that stretches the return on your investment of prep time because you stand a better chance of not having to toss out food that has gone bad.
Cheat Sheet
Give yourself a little cheat sheet that gives you the final steps you need to do for a specific recipe or meal that needs to be finished at that time. Either write it down or if it's longer, put a sticky note on the recipe or page in a cookbook for quick reference.
#23 Organized Thoughts
Your assignment today, if you choose to accept it, is to THINK organized today. It is not a "mission impossible" to change your thoughts and how they impact your actions.
All day, remind yourself that you can make organized choices. Having a focus for the day that you will take more organize actions will change the outcome of your day. You will be faced with it over and over. Here are a few possible times you might have the opportunity to make an organized choice:
Do I throw the coat on the couch or do I hang it up?
Do I call them back now or put it on my to do list?
Should I sort the mail or put it on the corner of the desk?
I have 5 min, should I leave now or wait and hope traffic is OK?
......... and, if you listen and pay attention, all day you will hear the choices. Will your mission for the day be possible? Please let me know!
Also, your computer won't start smoldering in a 30 seconds! :-))
Day Way # 23 Make organized choices!
Organizing Thoughts for Today
I bring simple solutions into my home and life!
I am action oriented and get things done!
My office is efficient and simplified!
All day, remind yourself that you can make organized choices. Having a focus for the day that you will take more organize actions will change the outcome of your day. You will be faced with it over and over. Here are a few possible times you might have the opportunity to make an organized choice:
Do I throw the coat on the couch or do I hang it up?
Do I call them back now or put it on my to do list?
Should I sort the mail or put it on the corner of the desk?
I have 5 min, should I leave now or wait and hope traffic is OK?
......... and, if you listen and pay attention, all day you will hear the choices. Will your mission for the day be possible? Please let me know!
Also, your computer won't start smoldering in a 30 seconds! :-))
Day Way # 23 Make organized choices!
Organizing Thoughts for Today
I bring simple solutions into my home and life!
I am action oriented and get things done!
My office is efficient and simplified!
#22 Kitchen Storage Containers
If you can't stand the lids, get out of the kitchen!
Nobody likes to spend more time in the kitchen then they have to, especially when it's clean up time.
Do you like or dislike leftovers? They tend to be a great solution for a quick bite in the days after the initial meal, but most people tell me they dislike them because of the chore of putting the leftovers away. It can be a real frustrating process if you have to search for containers and lids.
Let's streamline meal cleanup time because you have better things to do!
Day Way # 22 Storage Container Cleanup!
Pretty simple - pull out all the containers and lids,
then match them up.
For the ones you are keeping
First, group by size. Makes it easier to pull from a short stack then your entire supply.
Second, watch the how many different sizes you stack together. Fewer is better.
Put lids in their own space.
Put lids in a holding container where they can stand on their side.
For the extra pieces?
Verify the other part isn't being used somewhere else temporarily. If it's gone on to another permanent task, decide if you need to keep the other part. Keep it if it matches other pieces you are keeping.
If it's a container without a lid, there are many repurposing options.
If it's just the lid, see if it can be used to go under a plant pot!
Nobody likes to spend more time in the kitchen then they have to, especially when it's clean up time.
Do you like or dislike leftovers? They tend to be a great solution for a quick bite in the days after the initial meal, but most people tell me they dislike them because of the chore of putting the leftovers away. It can be a real frustrating process if you have to search for containers and lids.
Let's streamline meal cleanup time because you have better things to do!
Day Way # 22 Storage Container Cleanup!
Pretty simple - pull out all the containers and lids,
then match them up.
For the ones you are keeping
First, group by size. Makes it easier to pull from a short stack then your entire supply.
Second, watch the how many different sizes you stack together. Fewer is better.
Put lids in their own space.
Put lids in a holding container where they can stand on their side.
For the extra pieces?
Verify the other part isn't being used somewhere else temporarily. If it's gone on to another permanent task, decide if you need to keep the other part. Keep it if it matches other pieces you are keeping.
If it's a container without a lid, there are many repurposing options.
If it's just the lid, see if it can be used to go under a plant pot!
#21 - Digital Files
Have you recently searched for a digital document ..... for too long? Do you have folders and ways to separate your digital files? Do you have duplicates of digital documents or files?
In this ever increasing digital age, we are just as likely to have a "stack of papers" hiding in digital format. You've seen it, the unending list of files that you have to scan over and over to find the one you're looking for. The bonus is that you can sort them by alphabetical or date, but it can still get to be a long list. Taking control of your digital files is just as important as managing your paper files. Joyfully,
Day Way # 21 Spend 20 - 30 minutes cleaning up your digital files/documents.
*Make sure you have folders with consistent names
*Put files into appropriate folders
*Check for duplicate files
*Delete unnecessary files
GOOD NEWS! Studies show that it is 10-15% easier to retrieve a digital file than a paper file. Keeping your digital world organized can maintain or even increase that percentage! Easier is good!
The last comment about digital files is that you MUST back up your digital information! Set a schedule or pattern to back up your information if you don't have an automatic backup system in place.
In this ever increasing digital age, we are just as likely to have a "stack of papers" hiding in digital format. You've seen it, the unending list of files that you have to scan over and over to find the one you're looking for. The bonus is that you can sort them by alphabetical or date, but it can still get to be a long list. Taking control of your digital files is just as important as managing your paper files. Joyfully,
Day Way # 21 Spend 20 - 30 minutes cleaning up your digital files/documents.
*Make sure you have folders with consistent names
*Put files into appropriate folders
*Check for duplicate files
*Delete unnecessary files
GOOD NEWS! Studies show that it is 10-15% easier to retrieve a digital file than a paper file. Keeping your digital world organized can maintain or even increase that percentage! Easier is good!
The last comment about digital files is that you MUST back up your digital information! Set a schedule or pattern to back up your information if you don't have an automatic backup system in place.
#20 - Take 20 - Get 10
A couple of years ago a friend of mine did "A Year of Abundance" project where you had to give away one thing everyday. At first it may sound like a lot, but think of all the things you bring into your environment. What if you were limited to bringing in one new thing a day? Well, first, you'd be at the store a whole lot more, but my guess is you'd actually bring fewer things into your environment.
One of the biggest culprits for clutter and disorganization is too much stuff! The critical thing to remember about having stuff, is that you have to move the stuff, clean around the stuff, put the stuff back where it belongs, etc. Today, we reduce the stuff!
To my friend, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, thanks for sharing a powerful exercise! Joyfully,
Day Way # 20
Take 20 minutes and find at least 10 things to donate. You can add recycle or throw away to exit strategy for items if needed.
Look for items that:
*you haven't used in a long time
*don't fit anymore
*you don't like
*won't use
*have something new and better
*are part of something that you will not complete
*are related to an old hobby or activity that you don't or won't do anymore
One of the biggest culprits for clutter and disorganization is too much stuff! The critical thing to remember about having stuff, is that you have to move the stuff, clean around the stuff, put the stuff back where it belongs, etc. Today, we reduce the stuff!
To my friend, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, thanks for sharing a powerful exercise! Joyfully,
Day Way # 20
Take 20 minutes and find at least 10 things to donate. You can add recycle or throw away to exit strategy for items if needed.
Look for items that:
*you haven't used in a long time
*don't fit anymore
*you don't like
*won't use
*have something new and better
*are part of something that you will not complete
*are related to an old hobby or activity that you don't or won't do anymore
#19 - A Day For You
What have you done for yourself lately? Many times when you think of organizing aspects of your day, it all focuses on tasks, jobs, errands, obligations and to do lists. One aspect of life that deserves as much organizing as everything else is the time you organize for yourself.
Today is the day!
Day Way # 19 Review and organize the time and activities you have scheduled (or need to schedule) for yourself this week.
In case you don't have anything planned, here are some ideas; big and small!
*5 minutes of meditation/prayer/quiet
*schedule a lunch with a friend
*get a personal treatment such as a manicure, massage or facial
*go for a bike ride - powered or pedal powered
*read a magazine or book
*exercise in whatever form is best for you
*go shopping
etc, etc, etc
If you would really like to plan a full day, here is a 3 minute video where I give 5 steps to planning a day for you!
Organize A Day for YOU Segment (3 min video)
If the link isn't working for you, copy and paste the following link into your web browswer
Today is the day!
Day Way # 19 Review and organize the time and activities you have scheduled (or need to schedule) for yourself this week.
In case you don't have anything planned, here are some ideas; big and small!
*5 minutes of meditation/prayer/quiet
*schedule a lunch with a friend
*get a personal treatment such as a manicure, massage or facial
*go for a bike ride - powered or pedal powered
*read a magazine or book
*exercise in whatever form is best for you
*go shopping
etc, etc, etc
If you would really like to plan a full day, here is a 3 minute video where I give 5 steps to planning a day for you!
Organize A Day for YOU Segment (3 min video)
If the link isn't working for you, copy and paste the following link into your web browswer
#18 - Reading Time
How are you doing with the 31 Ways?
Do the best you can. Even doing some of these tasks will put you further ahead than if you didn't do any at all. Glad you're with us! Celebrate what you ARE doing!
As humans, by nature, we love to learn. We strive to add new information to our knowledge base and expand our horizons. To feed that urge, we harbor away books, articles, magazines, saved web pages and handouts that we want to read.....someday.
Today is the day! Joyfully,
Day Way # 18 Read that piece of information or story you saved days ago!
The accumulation of things to read at a later date can become an organizing task in itself. Unfortunately, you can spend more time shuffling and moving those items around than actually reading them. Here are a couple of ideas and aspects to keep in mind about the items you save to read at a future date.
*Organize your day or week to include reading, learning or research time.
*Create a holding place for specific articles if they relate to an activity, hobby, travel destination or personal interest.
*Encourage those in your household to have a reading break.*If you save articles from magazines, put a sticky note on that page or tear it out. Then keep it with you so you can read when you are waiting for an appointment, a friend to meet you, on break at work or even at a stop light. (well, our lights in Las Vegas can take up to 4 minutes to cycle so it is a nice chunk of time, but use caution. You get interupted a lot by driving between lights, so make sure it's not an intense item to read. Seriously, not for everyone and use caution.)
Do the best you can. Even doing some of these tasks will put you further ahead than if you didn't do any at all. Glad you're with us! Celebrate what you ARE doing!
As humans, by nature, we love to learn. We strive to add new information to our knowledge base and expand our horizons. To feed that urge, we harbor away books, articles, magazines, saved web pages and handouts that we want to read.....someday.
Today is the day! Joyfully,
Day Way # 18 Read that piece of information or story you saved days ago!
The accumulation of things to read at a later date can become an organizing task in itself. Unfortunately, you can spend more time shuffling and moving those items around than actually reading them. Here are a couple of ideas and aspects to keep in mind about the items you save to read at a future date.
*Organize your day or week to include reading, learning or research time.
*Create a holding place for specific articles if they relate to an activity, hobby, travel destination or personal interest.
*Encourage those in your household to have a reading break.*If you save articles from magazines, put a sticky note on that page or tear it out. Then keep it with you so you can read when you are waiting for an appointment, a friend to meet you, on break at work or even at a stop light. (well, our lights in Las Vegas can take up to 4 minutes to cycle so it is a nice chunk of time, but use caution. You get interupted a lot by driving between lights, so make sure it's not an intense item to read. Seriously, not for everyone and use caution.)
#17- "That" Drawer
Before we start on the day, I must make a few comments about this month's project. I've had people so excited about the kickstart to their year for getting things moving and accomplished. I've also had people apologize. Apologize?
Let's get something straight. My intention of sending out 31 days of tasks is that you have an opportunity to jump on most of them and make an impact on your life. If you are not getting to every single day, that's OK. Give yourself a little room to breathe. The most important factor is that you are moving forward. You are making progress. You are improving your environment and systems.
Back to today. Today is about "that" drawer. Yes, you all know exactly which one I'm talking about! It's that drawer that causes you the most frustration, the one that you spend the most amount of time at because it takes you so long to find something in it, and yes, cover your ears, the drawer that you swear at.
Today is the day to take it on and make a change! Joyfully,
Day Way # 17 Organize the most frustrating drawer!
Why have things collected here? Do they actually belong some place else and this was an easy dump?
Do you need to divide the drawer into groups or categories? Do you need little trays or baskets for those different groups?
Is this the best purpose for this drawer?
Is this the best place for the items in the drawer? If the drawer wasn't there, where would those items land or live?
Let's get something straight. My intention of sending out 31 days of tasks is that you have an opportunity to jump on most of them and make an impact on your life. If you are not getting to every single day, that's OK. Give yourself a little room to breathe. The most important factor is that you are moving forward. You are making progress. You are improving your environment and systems.
Back to today. Today is about "that" drawer. Yes, you all know exactly which one I'm talking about! It's that drawer that causes you the most frustration, the one that you spend the most amount of time at because it takes you so long to find something in it, and yes, cover your ears, the drawer that you swear at.
Today is the day to take it on and make a change! Joyfully,
Day Way # 17 Organize the most frustrating drawer!
Why have things collected here? Do they actually belong some place else and this was an easy dump?
Do you need to divide the drawer into groups or categories? Do you need little trays or baskets for those different groups?
Is this the best purpose for this drawer?
Is this the best place for the items in the drawer? If the drawer wasn't there, where would those items land or live?
#16 Catalogs!
Over the holidays, you likely received your fair share of trees in the form of catalogs. Did you think you were collecting a small forest? To add insult to injury, you even stand a good chance of having more than one catalog from an individual company.
Catalog shopping does save time and gas, now we're going to save your magazine rack before it collapses!
Day Way # 16 Sort all catalogs.
Recycle catalogs that:
*you've completely finished using
*are out of date
*you have multiple copies
I know the companies who send out catalogs won't like my next suggestion, but if you don't think you'll ever order from a catalog, call them and ask to be removed from their mailing list.
The second option to help save trees (and reducing your organizing task of sorting catalogs) is to bookmark the catalog site in your favorites folder for your online shopping.
Catalog shopping does save time and gas, now we're going to save your magazine rack before it collapses!
Day Way # 16 Sort all catalogs.
Recycle catalogs that:
*you've completely finished using
*are out of date
*you have multiple copies
I know the companies who send out catalogs won't like my next suggestion, but if you don't think you'll ever order from a catalog, call them and ask to be removed from their mailing list.
The second option to help save trees (and reducing your organizing task of sorting catalogs) is to bookmark the catalog site in your favorites folder for your online shopping.
#15 - Give Organizing
Today is a little different. I would like to invite you into my joy for a day. Today's task is not about your unfiled papers, the dishes in the sink or the project that's waiting for you to take action. Today it gets to be about someone else.
Day Way # 15 Create an organized solution for someone else today.
Now don't get me wrong, I know how many things you already do for those in your life, sometimes noticed, sometimes not.
Find someone around you and create a little more organization in their life. You can tell them or make it a surprise. Better yet, you could do a random act of organizing. ARAO we'll call it. It can be of any size and remember, sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference.
A few rules:
*whatever you organize, it must be OK for you to see and move those items
*if the items are critical for health, finances, etc, they must be able to find the items easily
As I profess, my passion and my business is to create Balanced Organizing Solutions for you in your work and in your life. Helping you is what brings joy to my heart. I was blessed with an organizer's brain and look at the world through organizing glasses. The joy doesn't come from me having it, the joy only comes from me sharing it!
That is why I invite you to share in my joy and create a little gift of organization for someone around you.
Day Way # 15 Create an organized solution for someone else today.
Now don't get me wrong, I know how many things you already do for those in your life, sometimes noticed, sometimes not.
Find someone around you and create a little more organization in their life. You can tell them or make it a surprise. Better yet, you could do a random act of organizing. ARAO we'll call it. It can be of any size and remember, sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference.
A few rules:
*whatever you organize, it must be OK for you to see and move those items
*if the items are critical for health, finances, etc, they must be able to find the items easily
As I profess, my passion and my business is to create Balanced Organizing Solutions for you in your work and in your life. Helping you is what brings joy to my heart. I was blessed with an organizer's brain and look at the world through organizing glasses. The joy doesn't come from me having it, the joy only comes from me sharing it!
That is why I invite you to share in my joy and create a little gift of organization for someone around you.
#14 - Gym Bag Organizing
Welcome to Way #14!
First thing is to go get your gym bag?
So, if you just said, "What gym bag?" your only excuse for that remark is if you always work out at your home, have a locker at a workout facility or wear the same clothes over and over. ..... to which I say we have to have a whole other conversation. Ewwww!
Fitness and Health goals are likely on most lists for the New Year, so let's do some organizing to support those goals!
Reports state that if you want have a packed and supplied gym bag it will dramatically increase your chance of working out!
If you don't have a gym bag, there is an alternate for you below.
Day Way # 14
Spend 15 minutes to clean out and refresh your gym bag.
Clean out basics:
all pockets
cosmetic and toiletry bags
mini-pouch for money, ID/Membership cards, etc
give it a spray to kill germs and smells
Refresh basics:
refill or get new toiletry bottles
restock paper products such as Q-tips, cotton balls, feminine products, etc
put in a few pair of clean socks
Most Common Gym Bag Contents
For your workout session:your gym membership cardlockyour gym outfitexercise glovesa ponytail holder, hat or headbandipod/ MP3 playertraining logwrist wrapsbottled watersmall towelgumIf you shower at the gymbath towel
shower shoes
razor deodorant makeup, body lotion and spray/perfumecomb and/or brushblow dryer, straightener, change of clothessnack for post workout
Alternate for those with no gym bag
Way #14b
If you don't have a gym bag because you work out at home, then it's time to clean out and organize your storage area for workout supplies. It might be a room, a drawer, part of a closet, in the garage, etc.
Spend 15 mintues:
*get rid of items that don't belong there
*put items that need to be there back,
*create a new storage solution if supplies are not organized
*sort reading materials
First thing is to go get your gym bag?
So, if you just said, "What gym bag?" your only excuse for that remark is if you always work out at your home, have a locker at a workout facility or wear the same clothes over and over. ..... to which I say we have to have a whole other conversation. Ewwww!
Fitness and Health goals are likely on most lists for the New Year, so let's do some organizing to support those goals!
Reports state that if you want have a packed and supplied gym bag it will dramatically increase your chance of working out!
If you don't have a gym bag, there is an alternate for you below.
Day Way # 14
Spend 15 minutes to clean out and refresh your gym bag.
Clean out basics:
all pockets
cosmetic and toiletry bags
mini-pouch for money, ID/Membership cards, etc
give it a spray to kill germs and smells
Refresh basics:
refill or get new toiletry bottles
restock paper products such as Q-tips, cotton balls, feminine products, etc
put in a few pair of clean socks
Most Common Gym Bag Contents
For your workout session:your gym membership cardlockyour gym outfitexercise glovesa ponytail holder, hat or headbandipod/ MP3 playertraining logwrist wrapsbottled watersmall towelgumIf you shower at the gymbath towel
shower shoes
razor deodorant makeup, body lotion and spray/perfumecomb and/or brushblow dryer, straightener, change of clothessnack for post workout
Alternate for those with no gym bag
Way #14b
If you don't have a gym bag because you work out at home, then it's time to clean out and organize your storage area for workout supplies. It might be a room, a drawer, part of a closet, in the garage, etc.
Spend 15 mintues:
*get rid of items that don't belong there
*put items that need to be there back,
*create a new storage solution if supplies are not organized
*sort reading materials
#13 - Update Contacts
Contacts, Phone Numbers, Emails, IM names, Twitter Name, etc!
The frequency and quantity of new contacts in our lives these days is a greater number than any other time in history. It used to only be neighbors, work, school and social gatherings where you'd meet new people. Now you can quickly expand your circle of contacts by leaps and bounds via many electronic and social methods.
That means you have more contacts to keep track of and more data to keep up to date.
Day Way # 13
Spend 15 minutes to update contact information in your phone, email contacts, address book or any other database.
It's fast, a short break in your day and will help keep you up to date on your contacts! Whether you complete someone's name in your phone or delete numbers or addresses that are no longer valid. There might even be a Christmas card with a return address corner that you tore off to update in your contacts!
It's an ongoing process to keep your contacts up to date, so even 15 minutes today can keep you on the right track!
The frequency and quantity of new contacts in our lives these days is a greater number than any other time in history. It used to only be neighbors, work, school and social gatherings where you'd meet new people. Now you can quickly expand your circle of contacts by leaps and bounds via many electronic and social methods.
That means you have more contacts to keep track of and more data to keep up to date.
Day Way # 13
Spend 15 minutes to update contact information in your phone, email contacts, address book or any other database.
It's fast, a short break in your day and will help keep you up to date on your contacts! Whether you complete someone's name in your phone or delete numbers or addresses that are no longer valid. There might even be a Christmas card with a return address corner that you tore off to update in your contacts!
It's an ongoing process to keep your contacts up to date, so even 15 minutes today can keep you on the right track!
#12 - Errands under control
Errands Under Control!
There always seems to be something to return, exchange or pickup on a regular basis. There's nothing more time consuming and energy consuming than to have it on your mind... every day.... all day.... or at the end of the day when you realized it didn't get done. Take 15 mintues and make a plan for those types of errands for this week.
Below are several questions about and methods for approaching these actions. See if adding one extra layer of organization to these types of tasks helps you be more efficient and effective!
Then check it off the list! Yipee!
Day Way # 12
Here are several questions that can help you set up the best organizing strategies to get these never ending tasks completed!
What is it that you have to do?
*return an item to a store
*pick up dry cleaning or alterations
*exchange an item
How will you keep track of these tasks & the items?
*make one short list for this week
*group them by type of task
*put tasks with a reminder in an electronic calendar
*write it on a whiteboard where you can see it
Where are the items?
Find a location to put the items that will help you remember the item and the action. Maybe a basket by the door or in the car. In a bag with the receipt hanging on the door knob.
Where do you have to go to complete them?
Will you be driving by one of the locations at some point during the week? Plan to stop in while close by.
Who might be the closest to the location?
Who has the time?
Who has to be with to complete the action?
When is the best time to get them done?
Complete one task per day
Do them all in one day, evening or outing
Consider traffic conditions at time of errands
There always seems to be something to return, exchange or pickup on a regular basis. There's nothing more time consuming and energy consuming than to have it on your mind... every day.... all day.... or at the end of the day when you realized it didn't get done. Take 15 mintues and make a plan for those types of errands for this week.
Below are several questions about and methods for approaching these actions. See if adding one extra layer of organization to these types of tasks helps you be more efficient and effective!
Then check it off the list! Yipee!
Day Way # 12
Here are several questions that can help you set up the best organizing strategies to get these never ending tasks completed!
What is it that you have to do?
*return an item to a store
*pick up dry cleaning or alterations
*exchange an item
How will you keep track of these tasks & the items?
*make one short list for this week
*group them by type of task
*put tasks with a reminder in an electronic calendar
*write it on a whiteboard where you can see it
Where are the items?
Find a location to put the items that will help you remember the item and the action. Maybe a basket by the door or in the car. In a bag with the receipt hanging on the door knob.
Where do you have to go to complete them?
Will you be driving by one of the locations at some point during the week? Plan to stop in while close by.
Who might be the closest to the location?
Who has the time?
Who has to be with to complete the action?
When is the best time to get them done?
Complete one task per day
Do them all in one day, evening or outing
Consider traffic conditions at time of errands
#10 & 11 - First Aid Kits
Welcome to the weekend! The organizing project may take two days and while everyone will get it done at their own pace, I want to lay it all out for you now. There are several steps and one includes purchasing items. You will assess what you need, purchase it and then disperse it where needed. That might take two days.
It follows one of my organizing philosophies:
Be Organized, Be Prepared!
Day Way # 10 & #11
Bring all First Aid and Medical Supplies up to date. Every household, office, emergency kit and car need a Basic First Aid Kit and households also need a Medical Supply Kit for additional ailments. From bumps and scrapes to scratchy throats and fevers, nothing says organized more than a well stocked First Aid Kit!
*One word of caution: Be careful of animals and small children having access to these medical supplies as you work on this project.
Summary of Steps
This weekend it's about being prepared regarding medical mishaps and emergencies.
You will need to determine the needs of your household. Some have pets, more people, different activities and some have family member with special needs.
1) Review First Aid Kit Recommendations from websites listed below & print appropriate and preferred lists for you
2) Gather and review current supplies
3) Purchase Needed Items & Disperse New Stock
1) Review First Aid Recommendations
The sites below will give you a list for each type of kit. You are certainly welcome to search for other lists and find the ones that are right for you. There may be overlap so adjust appropriately.
Basic First Aid Kit
Holistic Basic First Aid Kits
Holistic For Toddlers and Kids
For Toddlers and Kids
For Pet Owners
Dog Owner First Aid Kit
Many stores and websites carry prepared and packaged First Aid Kits. I have not ordered from any one of them, so review for the one most comfortable for you if you go this route.
Camping and Outdoor Stores, Drug Stores, Household Supply stores also carry a wide variety of Prepared First Aid Kits.
2) Gather and Sort Supplies
Get a large bin or basket for collecting all First Aid and Medical Supplies.
Reminder caution: Be careful of animals and small children having access to these medical supplies as you work on this project.
If needed, make a list of what supplies you pulled from various areas to help you when you restock.
Areas to check for supplies and kits:
Medicine Cabinets
Hall Closets
Diaper bag
Travel Bags
First Aid Kits in:
camping gear
emergency kits
hiking gear
pool areas
Now comes the sort and toss. You will review what you have left and compare that to the recommended supplies list. Check off what you have that is still good and note the items you'll need to purchase.
An item that will be handy to have when you restock is various sizes of ziploc bags. Check your supply before you head to the store!
Another organizing step you get to take as you do this is to decide if you need any new storage containers or bins for medical supplies in the hall closet, under sinks or wherever you store supplies.
3) Purchase and Restock
After you purchase the needed items, time to disperse and restock all items. This is also a great time to determine if the previous location worked well or not. The second organizing step you get to take as you do this is to decide if you need any new storage containers or bins for medical supplies in the hall closet, under sinks or wherever you store supplies.
Suggestion about expiration dates
If you have, for example, an antibiotic cream that will expire in 8 months. Put that one in the place that you would likely use it first. Put the new tube in the place that you would likely use it last.
Buying in bulk
If you purchased some items in bulk and are going to divide it among several kits, be cautious of items that have expiration dates. If you refill a little bottle of ibuprofen from a big new bottle of ibuprofen, watch for expiration dates because you don't want to resort in the future and toss good medicine, but you also don't want to think something is OK and have it actually expired.
Then restock kits, return medical supplies to their storage location, and rest assured that if someone has a fever or gets injured, you are organized and prepared to safely and quickly respond!
It follows one of my organizing philosophies:
Be Organized, Be Prepared!
Day Way # 10 & #11
Bring all First Aid and Medical Supplies up to date. Every household, office, emergency kit and car need a Basic First Aid Kit and households also need a Medical Supply Kit for additional ailments. From bumps and scrapes to scratchy throats and fevers, nothing says organized more than a well stocked First Aid Kit!
*One word of caution: Be careful of animals and small children having access to these medical supplies as you work on this project.
Summary of Steps
This weekend it's about being prepared regarding medical mishaps and emergencies.
You will need to determine the needs of your household. Some have pets, more people, different activities and some have family member with special needs.
1) Review First Aid Kit Recommendations from websites listed below & print appropriate and preferred lists for you
2) Gather and review current supplies
3) Purchase Needed Items & Disperse New Stock
1) Review First Aid Recommendations
The sites below will give you a list for each type of kit. You are certainly welcome to search for other lists and find the ones that are right for you. There may be overlap so adjust appropriately.
Basic First Aid Kit
Holistic Basic First Aid Kits
Holistic For Toddlers and Kids
For Toddlers and Kids
For Pet Owners
Dog Owner First Aid Kit
Many stores and websites carry prepared and packaged First Aid Kits. I have not ordered from any one of them, so review for the one most comfortable for you if you go this route.
Camping and Outdoor Stores, Drug Stores, Household Supply stores also carry a wide variety of Prepared First Aid Kits.
2) Gather and Sort Supplies
Get a large bin or basket for collecting all First Aid and Medical Supplies.
Reminder caution: Be careful of animals and small children having access to these medical supplies as you work on this project.
If needed, make a list of what supplies you pulled from various areas to help you when you restock.
Areas to check for supplies and kits:
Medicine Cabinets
Hall Closets
Diaper bag
Travel Bags
First Aid Kits in:
camping gear
emergency kits
hiking gear
pool areas
Now comes the sort and toss. You will review what you have left and compare that to the recommended supplies list. Check off what you have that is still good and note the items you'll need to purchase.
An item that will be handy to have when you restock is various sizes of ziploc bags. Check your supply before you head to the store!
Another organizing step you get to take as you do this is to decide if you need any new storage containers or bins for medical supplies in the hall closet, under sinks or wherever you store supplies.
3) Purchase and Restock
After you purchase the needed items, time to disperse and restock all items. This is also a great time to determine if the previous location worked well or not. The second organizing step you get to take as you do this is to decide if you need any new storage containers or bins for medical supplies in the hall closet, under sinks or wherever you store supplies.
Suggestion about expiration dates
If you have, for example, an antibiotic cream that will expire in 8 months. Put that one in the place that you would likely use it first. Put the new tube in the place that you would likely use it last.
Buying in bulk
If you purchased some items in bulk and are going to divide it among several kits, be cautious of items that have expiration dates. If you refill a little bottle of ibuprofen from a big new bottle of ibuprofen, watch for expiration dates because you don't want to resort in the future and toss good medicine, but you also don't want to think something is OK and have it actually expired.
Then restock kits, return medical supplies to their storage location, and rest assured that if someone has a fever or gets injured, you are organized and prepared to safely and quickly respond!
#9 Catch Up Day
Welcome to Wild Card Day!
Day Way # 9
Catch Up
Finish Up
Take a Break
Do That Other Project that's Been on Your Mind
Extra information:
As you may know, I'm based in Las Vegas, so why not have a Wild Card Day, a Roll the Dice Day or maybe it's a Let's Go to the Lounge and Listen to the Singer Day.
I mentioned this earlier, but it is worth saying again. Completing projects before starting new projects sets you up in the long term for an organized life. Whether it is the project items laying around, the environment where it is "in progress" or the nagging words in the back of your mind about getting it done; they are all distractions that keep you from performing at your best.
So, take a moment and decide what is the best for you for a Wild Card Day. If you joined us a little into the month, you can go back to do one of the earlier days, finish a previous day, or one of the projects might have sparked a separate idea of something you need to organize so go for it! You might also need a break for one day. Studies show that taking a break causes you to be more effective when you return to a task. It's all up to you to decide what is the best for you!
Personally, I have a couple of catch up things to do:
*Get 2 birthday gifts and cards
*Support my husband in copying the contents of his wallet
Day Way # 9
Catch Up
Finish Up
Take a Break
Do That Other Project that's Been on Your Mind
Extra information:
As you may know, I'm based in Las Vegas, so why not have a Wild Card Day, a Roll the Dice Day or maybe it's a Let's Go to the Lounge and Listen to the Singer Day.
I mentioned this earlier, but it is worth saying again. Completing projects before starting new projects sets you up in the long term for an organized life. Whether it is the project items laying around, the environment where it is "in progress" or the nagging words in the back of your mind about getting it done; they are all distractions that keep you from performing at your best.
So, take a moment and decide what is the best for you for a Wild Card Day. If you joined us a little into the month, you can go back to do one of the earlier days, finish a previous day, or one of the projects might have sparked a separate idea of something you need to organize so go for it! You might also need a break for one day. Studies show that taking a break causes you to be more effective when you return to a task. It's all up to you to decide what is the best for you!
Personally, I have a couple of catch up things to do:
*Get 2 birthday gifts and cards
*Support my husband in copying the contents of his wallet
#8 - Car Organizing
We are heading out to organize a place some of us spend way too much time. Some actually call it their second home. We eat there, spend time with family and friends there, have adventures and yes, sometimes even have had to sleep there! So, if you're there that much, shouldn't it be organized? Comfortable? Be at your service in time of need?
Day Way # 8 Clean out one or more storage areas in your car.
Extra information:
Did you guess your car? Your organizing task for the day depends on your car, your past "violations" of the messy sort and how much time you have. You can clean out one compartment that you use the most or you can be brave and venture into the compartment that you haven't opened in, well, quite some time. Those brave souls with a little extra time might just head to the trunk as well!
Day Way # 8 Clean out one or more storage areas in your car.
Extra information:
Did you guess your car? Your organizing task for the day depends on your car, your past "violations" of the messy sort and how much time you have. You can clean out one compartment that you use the most or you can be brave and venture into the compartment that you haven't opened in, well, quite some time. Those brave souls with a little extra time might just head to the trunk as well!
#7 - Computer Area
My guess is that a fair number of you are sitting at a desk with your computer in front of you. If you look "around" the screen, does it look organized? Time to take 15 minutes and empower your computer time by organizing your computer space!
I'll share if you do! If you're up for sharing, take a before and after picture and email it to me. I'd love to see how you do. You all make me so proud!
FYI - if you are on your blackberry, laptop at a cafe, or sitting on the couch, I've got an adjustment for you. Day Way #7a (see below)
Day Way # 7
Clean up your computer environment!
Extra information:
*Take off all the post-its around the screen and put that info where it belongs.
*If you have a raised platform for your monitor, I bet there's something under it, in it, or on top of it. Time to sort and tidy that up.
*If you have something inspirational, do a quick check to make sure it's still empowering you as you first intended. If you really don't look at it anymore, maybe it needs to inspire you somewhere else.
*While it's free of papers, post-its, misc office supplies, etc, take a minute to dust it off, clean the screen with a screen safe wipe, clean the surface underneath.
Day Way # 7a - for the non-desktop users.
Depending on your device and where you use it, here are a couple of possibilities for you.
*Clean up your laptop case. Check pockets, cables, etc.
*Verify you have identification on your mobile unit. If not, get ID on it ASAP!
*Verify you have the serial number of your mobile unit in some other location than on your unit or electronically saved there.
*If you use your laptop while sitting on a couch, in a chair or at the kitchen counter, do a quick clean up of that space as it will likely accumulate extra cables, papers, coffee cups, etc.
I'll share if you do! If you're up for sharing, take a before and after picture and email it to me. I'd love to see how you do. You all make me so proud!
FYI - if you are on your blackberry, laptop at a cafe, or sitting on the couch, I've got an adjustment for you. Day Way #7a (see below)
Day Way # 7
Clean up your computer environment!
Extra information:
*Take off all the post-its around the screen and put that info where it belongs.
*If you have a raised platform for your monitor, I bet there's something under it, in it, or on top of it. Time to sort and tidy that up.
*If you have something inspirational, do a quick check to make sure it's still empowering you as you first intended. If you really don't look at it anymore, maybe it needs to inspire you somewhere else.
*While it's free of papers, post-its, misc office supplies, etc, take a minute to dust it off, clean the screen with a screen safe wipe, clean the surface underneath.
Day Way # 7a - for the non-desktop users.
Depending on your device and where you use it, here are a couple of possibilities for you.
*Clean up your laptop case. Check pockets, cables, etc.
*Verify you have identification on your mobile unit. If not, get ID on it ASAP!
*Verify you have the serial number of your mobile unit in some other location than on your unit or electronically saved there.
*If you use your laptop while sitting on a couch, in a chair or at the kitchen counter, do a quick clean up of that space as it will likely accumulate extra cables, papers, coffee cups, etc.
#6 - Gift Cards & Certificates
Another task related to money for you today. This is a way for you to keep track of money you already have. I have to say, it's happened more than once that while sorting with a client, we found money. If it wasn't actual cash, it was a check, a credit receipt or a gift card. That's not money you have to earn, it's simply money you need to keep in a known location.
Day Way # 6
Gather all Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, Credit Receipts, and even Coupons.
Extra information: This is your MONEY! Find one safe and easy-to-remember location for these items.
Now the trick is to remember that you have them and when they expire. You can simply put them in an envelope or a file folder with the label of Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, Credit Receipts. If you have too many to look through on a regular basis, here are some possible ways to divide them.
* Food, Clothing, Personal Services, Office Stores, Misc
* By the type, Gift Cert, Gift Card, etc
* Alphabetical by store.
* You can put them by expiration date. Not the top choice, but it might be the one that works for you.
Day Way # 6
Gather all Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, Credit Receipts, and even Coupons.
Extra information: This is your MONEY! Find one safe and easy-to-remember location for these items.
Now the trick is to remember that you have them and when they expire. You can simply put them in an envelope or a file folder with the label of Gift Certificates, Gift Cards, Credit Receipts. If you have too many to look through on a regular basis, here are some possible ways to divide them.
* Food, Clothing, Personal Services, Office Stores, Misc
* By the type, Gift Cert, Gift Card, etc
* Alphabetical by store.
* You can put them by expiration date. Not the top choice, but it might be the one that works for you.
#5 - Weekly Tasks
And welcome to the start of the first full week of the New Year! Many times the "first" of something can set a precedence, set a standard and set yourself up for success. That's what you have an opportunity to do today.
Day Way # 5
Today's task is to review and organize your week. Work schedule, exercise, appointments, tasks, social time and sleep!
Extra information:
Depending on how planned you already are, this might simply be a review and confirmation that you've set your week up in the best way.
Making sure you are set for the week can cause it to unfold as you would like. Not to say that unexpected things won't pop up whether they be a challenge or for fun. However, the more you have crafted your precious time this week to support what you want to make happen in your life, the better chance you have for that to happen.
I'm guessing that you've got some New Year's Re-Solutions or Goals that could use some fitting into your week!
Day Way # 5
Today's task is to review and organize your week. Work schedule, exercise, appointments, tasks, social time and sleep!
Extra information:
Depending on how planned you already are, this might simply be a review and confirmation that you've set your week up in the best way.
Making sure you are set for the week can cause it to unfold as you would like. Not to say that unexpected things won't pop up whether they be a challenge or for fun. However, the more you have crafted your precious time this week to support what you want to make happen in your life, the better chance you have for that to happen.
I'm guessing that you've got some New Year's Re-Solutions or Goals that could use some fitting into your week!
#4 - Greetings Part 2
Welcome to Way #4....
or should I say Way #3, 2nd verse?
For those of you that totally completed the birthday, anniversary, cards, gifts, plans, etc, CONGRATULATIONS! Even with your full list of people, you got it done! Impressive! I have something next for you on Way #4.
For those of you that didn't get it all the way done, here's your day to finish it and we'll call it Way #3, Part 2.
One of the things about being organized is finishing projects. If you get too many started and not enough completed, it leads to overwhelm and stress. That's not what we're about here!
Day Way # 4
Decide where your master list of ALL special occasions will be recorded and update it for this month!
Extra information: Whether it's an electronic database, Outlook, a spreadsheet, a paper calendar that doesn't have a "year" assigned to it, but records annual events for you year after year, or some other form, decide which one is "King of the Hill" and it gets ALL the info recorded into it. Then next time you don't have to look in 3 - 5 places for all the special dates listings.
Day Way #3, Part 2
Make the push, take the time and get it done!
a) Make a list of all the birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc in the month of January. And if you want, do the first week or so of February.
b) Get the cards, gifts, make a dinner reservation, schedule a coffee date, etc for all those occasions!
or should I say Way #3, 2nd verse?
For those of you that totally completed the birthday, anniversary, cards, gifts, plans, etc, CONGRATULATIONS! Even with your full list of people, you got it done! Impressive! I have something next for you on Way #4.
For those of you that didn't get it all the way done, here's your day to finish it and we'll call it Way #3, Part 2.
One of the things about being organized is finishing projects. If you get too many started and not enough completed, it leads to overwhelm and stress. That's not what we're about here!
Day Way # 4
Decide where your master list of ALL special occasions will be recorded and update it for this month!
Extra information: Whether it's an electronic database, Outlook, a spreadsheet, a paper calendar that doesn't have a "year" assigned to it, but records annual events for you year after year, or some other form, decide which one is "King of the Hill" and it gets ALL the info recorded into it. Then next time you don't have to look in 3 - 5 places for all the special dates listings.
Day Way #3, Part 2
Make the push, take the time and get it done!
a) Make a list of all the birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc in the month of January. And if you want, do the first week or so of February.
b) Get the cards, gifts, make a dinner reservation, schedule a coffee date, etc for all those occasions!
#3 - Greetings and Wishes Part 1
Welcome to Way #3! This one is a little longer. However it will save you sooooo much time over the coming month.
Day Way #3
a) Make a list of all the birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc in the coming month and if you want, do the first week or so of next month.
b) Get the cards, gifts, make a dinner reservation, schedule a coffee date, etc for all those occasions!
The BIG BONUS is that you are going to get more results from the energy your brain is putting toward one type of activity. When you're standing at the card stand and reading 10-20 cards to find the one that suits someone, you used to end up with 1 card. Now, you'll end up with a lot more than 1! That increases your results very easily!
Extra information:
a) I know it's already the 3rd, but I'm counting on the fact that you've already taken care of the past couple of days.
b) You have several choices for cards; traditional greeting cards or e-cards.
Decide which one suits your personality, your budget, your available time and your recipient.
* For traditional cards, buy them all now, address them, write them, stamp them and then put a sticky note on the card showing the day it should be mailed, taken to work, given to a neighbor or put on the mantel for someone in your household.
* For e-cards, they are great to schedule a head of time in mass again because of the number you can schedule during your preview time! There's one more really great bonus with e-cards: When it actually gets delivered to the recipient, YOU get an email notice that it has been delivered. A great reminder to call them or acknowledge it's their special day.
c) Then there's gifts and all the extra things your might do to celebrate someone else. Get them purchased, wrapped, scheduled, ordered, etc.
Day Way #3
a) Make a list of all the birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc in the coming month and if you want, do the first week or so of next month.
b) Get the cards, gifts, make a dinner reservation, schedule a coffee date, etc for all those occasions!
The BIG BONUS is that you are going to get more results from the energy your brain is putting toward one type of activity. When you're standing at the card stand and reading 10-20 cards to find the one that suits someone, you used to end up with 1 card. Now, you'll end up with a lot more than 1! That increases your results very easily!
Extra information:
a) I know it's already the 3rd, but I'm counting on the fact that you've already taken care of the past couple of days.
b) You have several choices for cards; traditional greeting cards or e-cards.
Decide which one suits your personality, your budget, your available time and your recipient.
* For traditional cards, buy them all now, address them, write them, stamp them and then put a sticky note on the card showing the day it should be mailed, taken to work, given to a neighbor or put on the mantel for someone in your household.
* For e-cards, they are great to schedule a head of time in mass again because of the number you can schedule during your preview time! There's one more really great bonus with e-cards: When it actually gets delivered to the recipient, YOU get an email notice that it has been delivered. A great reminder to call them or acknowledge it's their special day.
c) Then there's gifts and all the extra things your might do to celebrate someone else. Get them purchased, wrapped, scheduled, ordered, etc.
#2 - Wallet Clean out
Yes, another step related to money and financial, but it's more important these days so best to take smart and organized steps.
Day Way #2
a) Clean out your wallet/billfold
b) Make a copy (front & back) of all Credit Cards, Driver's License and any other important cards you carry in your wallet.
Extra information:
As you clean out your wallet, it's always good to take a fresh look and see if things can be rearranged to make better use of the space or to make it easier for you to use. For example, I put the Bank Card I use the most in the slot that is at the top of the row. Then I can actually take it out and put it away without even opening my wallet. It just slips right out and in!
This is also a good time of the year to refresh your backup copy of the items you carry in your wallet. Just lay them out on the copy machine and make sure the setting for color isn't too dark. Most cards have a lot of color on them and you don't want it to shadow the numbers in any way. It's not as easy to read some of them when they are only 2 dimensional instead of 3 dimensional. Don't forget to do the backside as well!
The last thing to do with those copies is to put them in a safe and easily accessible location.
Day Way #2
a) Clean out your wallet/billfold
b) Make a copy (front & back) of all Credit Cards, Driver's License and any other important cards you carry in your wallet.
Extra information:
As you clean out your wallet, it's always good to take a fresh look and see if things can be rearranged to make better use of the space or to make it easier for you to use. For example, I put the Bank Card I use the most in the slot that is at the top of the row. Then I can actually take it out and put it away without even opening my wallet. It just slips right out and in!
This is also a good time of the year to refresh your backup copy of the items you carry in your wallet. Just lay them out on the copy machine and make sure the setting for color isn't too dark. Most cards have a lot of color on them and you don't want it to shadow the numbers in any way. It's not as easy to read some of them when they are only 2 dimensional instead of 3 dimensional. Don't forget to do the backside as well!
The last thing to do with those copies is to put them in a safe and easily accessible location.
Welcome & Way #1
Welcome to Get Organized Month!
We'll start off the 31 Ways to Get Organized in 31 Days with a task that is short and simple. Hey, it's New Year's Day and some of you might be taking it easy and I want you to stick with us all month long.
Day Way #1
Make a file that is for TAXES 2008.
Extra information:
This month you will be collecting year end statements and other documentation needed to complete your taxes for 2008.
*Make it a bright colored or at least a different colored folder
*The very front of a file drawer is a great place for it.
* Let anyone and everyone in your family know where it is located. Then whoever gets the mail, opens statements or has documents that need to be included in the TAXES 2008 file can support the gathering of this critical information!
We'll start off the 31 Ways to Get Organized in 31 Days with a task that is short and simple. Hey, it's New Year's Day and some of you might be taking it easy and I want you to stick with us all month long.
Day Way #1
Make a file that is for TAXES 2008.
Extra information:
This month you will be collecting year end statements and other documentation needed to complete your taxes for 2008.
*Make it a bright colored or at least a different colored folder
*The very front of a file drawer is a great place for it.
* Let anyone and everyone in your family know where it is located. Then whoever gets the mail, opens statements or has documents that need to be included in the TAXES 2008 file can support the gathering of this critical information!
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