
#4 - Greetings Part 2

Welcome to Way #4....
or should I say Way #3, 2nd verse?

For those of you that totally completed the birthday, anniversary, cards, gifts, plans, etc, CONGRATULATIONS! Even with your full list of people, you got it done! Impressive! I have something next for you on Way #4.

For those of you that didn't get it all the way done, here's your day to finish it and we'll call it Way #3, Part 2.

One of the things about being organized is finishing projects. If you get too many started and not enough completed, it leads to overwhelm and stress. That's not what we're about here!


Day Way # 4
Decide where your master list of ALL special occasions will be recorded and update it for this month!
Extra information: Whether it's an electronic database, Outlook, a spreadsheet, a paper calendar that doesn't have a "year" assigned to it, but records annual events for you year after year, or some other form, decide which one is "King of the Hill" and it gets ALL the info recorded into it. Then next time you don't have to look in 3 - 5 places for all the special dates listings.

Day Way #3, Part 2
Make the push, take the time and get it done!
a) Make a list of all the birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc in the month of January. And if you want, do the first week or so of February.
b) Get the cards, gifts, make a dinner reservation, schedule a coffee date, etc for all those occasions!

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