
#20 - Take 20 - Get 10

A couple of years ago a friend of mine did "A Year of Abundance" project where you had to give away one thing everyday. At first it may sound like a lot, but think of all the things you bring into your environment. What if you were limited to bringing in one new thing a day? Well, first, you'd be at the store a whole lot more, but my guess is you'd actually bring fewer things into your environment.

One of the biggest culprits for clutter and disorganization is too much stuff! The critical thing to remember about having stuff, is that you have to move the stuff, clean around the stuff, put the stuff back where it belongs, etc. Today, we reduce the stuff!

To my friend, a.k.a. Wonder Woman, thanks for sharing a powerful exercise! Joyfully,

Day Way # 20

Take 20 minutes and find at least 10 things to donate. You can add recycle or throw away to exit strategy for items if needed.

Look for items that:
*you haven't used in a long time
*don't fit anymore
*you don't like
*won't use
*have something new and better
*are part of something that you will not complete
*are related to an old hobby or activity that you don't or won't do anymore

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