
#13 - Update Contacts

Contacts, Phone Numbers, Emails, IM names, Twitter Name, etc!

The frequency and quantity of new contacts in our lives these days is a greater number than any other time in history. It used to only be neighbors, work, school and social gatherings where you'd meet new people. Now you can quickly expand your circle of contacts by leaps and bounds via many electronic and social methods.

That means you have more contacts to keep track of and more data to keep up to date.

Day Way # 13
Spend 15 minutes to update contact information in your phone, email contacts, address book or any other database.

It's fast, a short break in your day and will help keep you up to date on your contacts! Whether you complete someone's name in your phone or delete numbers or addresses that are no longer valid. There might even be a Christmas card with a return address corner that you tore off to update in your contacts!

It's an ongoing process to keep your contacts up to date, so even 15 minutes today can keep you on the right track!

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