
#7 - Computer Area

My guess is that a fair number of you are sitting at a desk with your computer in front of you. If you look "around" the screen, does it look organized? Time to take 15 minutes and empower your computer time by organizing your computer space!

I'll share if you do! If you're up for sharing, take a before and after picture and email it to me. I'd love to see how you do. You all make me so proud!

FYI - if you are on your blackberry, laptop at a cafe, or sitting on the couch, I've got an adjustment for you. Day Way #7a (see below)

Day Way # 7
Clean up your computer environment!
Extra information:
*Take off all the post-its around the screen and put that info where it belongs.
*If you have a raised platform for your monitor, I bet there's something under it, in it, or on top of it. Time to sort and tidy that up.
*If you have something inspirational, do a quick check to make sure it's still empowering you as you first intended. If you really don't look at it anymore, maybe it needs to inspire you somewhere else.
*While it's free of papers, post-its, misc office supplies, etc, take a minute to dust it off, clean the screen with a screen safe wipe, clean the surface underneath.

Day Way # 7a - for the non-desktop users.
Depending on your device and where you use it, here are a couple of possibilities for you.
*Clean up your laptop case. Check pockets, cables, etc.
*Verify you have identification on your mobile unit. If not, get ID on it ASAP!
*Verify you have the serial number of your mobile unit in some other location than on your unit or electronically saved there.
*If you use your laptop while sitting on a couch, in a chair or at the kitchen counter, do a quick clean up of that space as it will likely accumulate extra cables, papers, coffee cups, etc.

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