
#28 Technology, Love/Hate

Do you love it? Do you hate it?

Now hate is a pretty strong word, but I'm likely not alone in my occasional use of nasty words directed toward my technology or electronics. Yes, we love what technology can do for us and yet we all can have a moment when we get frustrated by it.

After my 4 years of working with educational software I made a pact with myself that I would never let technology get the best of me. It does brink on the edge of getting the best of me at times, but I learned that there is always a solution.... you just have to find it!

Let's find a solution for you that doesn't involve electrocution, a trip to the store to buy a new computer or heavy drinking. Joyfully,

Day Way # 28 Find the "how to" for one electronic challenge or the next step of use.

*If there is one glitch that has been bugging you about an electronic in your life, it's time to take care of it.

*If there is a process that you know a piece of software can do for you, but you don't know how, learn it.

*If you have a new piece of software or hardware that you have not installed, plugged in or downloaded, do it.

Where can you find the answers?
*Manuals - paper
*Manuals - digital
*Technology Consultants & Trainers
*Online support from corporation
*Online support from question boards, chat rooms
*Ask a teenager!

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