
#23 Organized Thoughts

Your assignment today, if you choose to accept it, is to THINK organized today. It is not a "mission impossible" to change your thoughts and how they impact your actions.

All day, remind yourself that you can make organized choices. Having a focus for the day that you will take more organize actions will change the outcome of your day. You will be faced with it over and over. Here are a few possible times you might have the opportunity to make an organized choice:

Do I throw the coat on the couch or do I hang it up?
Do I call them back now or put it on my to do list?
Should I sort the mail or put it on the corner of the desk?
I have 5 min, should I leave now or wait and hope traffic is OK?
......... and, if you listen and pay attention, all day you will hear the choices. Will your mission for the day be possible? Please let me know!

Also, your computer won't start smoldering in a 30 seconds! :-))


Day Way # 23 Make organized choices!

Organizing Thoughts for Today

I bring simple solutions into my home and life!
I am action oriented and get things done!
My office is efficient and simplified!

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