
#15 - Give Organizing

Today is a little different. I would like to invite you into my joy for a day. Today's task is not about your unfiled papers, the dishes in the sink or the project that's waiting for you to take action. Today it gets to be about someone else.

Day Way # 15 Create an organized solution for someone else today.

Now don't get me wrong, I know how many things you already do for those in your life, sometimes noticed, sometimes not.

Find someone around you and create a little more organization in their life. You can tell them or make it a surprise. Better yet, you could do a random act of organizing. ARAO we'll call it. It can be of any size and remember, sometimes the smallest changes can make the biggest difference.

A few rules:
*whatever you organize, it must be OK for you to see and move those items
*if the items are critical for health, finances, etc, they must be able to find the items easily

As I profess, my passion and my business is to create Balanced Organizing Solutions for you in your work and in your life. Helping you is what brings joy to my heart. I was blessed with an organizer's brain and look at the world through organizing glasses. The joy doesn't come from me having it, the joy only comes from me sharing it!

That is why I invite you to share in my joy and create a little gift of organization for someone around you.

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